TBT - Play Ball! |
By Member NSFC Webmaster | |
April 11, 2024 | |
The Newtown Edgmont Little League and Newtown Square Petticoat League opening day parade goes back not only decades, but generations. While we can’t put a finger on what year it was started, we can report that it used to start from the Newtown Square Shopping Center and head out the pike making a right onto Bishop Hollow Road. The photos show the parade during the early 1970’s. The newest truck was the 1969 International and the oldest was the ladder truck, which would be replaced in 1975. It also shows the only known photograph of Edgmont Fire Company’s old Engine 64-1. Over the years, the parade route was modified due to growing traffic concerns. Where it starts is not what is important, but the location at which it ends is key. Each group of teams finish at their respective ball parks along Bishop Hollow Road, and each year both the Newtown Square and Edgmont Fire Companies escort the athletes as they get ready to play America's “Favorite pastime.” |